Provo RTC

Trauma-Focused, Theraputic Home

Located in the suburbs of Orem, UT - Provo RTC youth participate in recreational activities at a local gym and the nearby mountains.

At Provo RTC, youth live in a nurturing and trauma-focused environment. They have a big emphasis on recreation and community service. Provo RTC also provides highly structured academic programming as well as psychiatric and medication management.

Meet the Provo Leadership Team

Nathan Giles

Home Supervisor

Nathan is a dedicated professional with a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from Brigham Young University. He began working at YHA in 2022 as a line staff and has grown a passion for YHA's purpose. Nathan loves working at YHA because of its commitment to provide a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for every client. Possessing an unwavering passion for mental health, he finds purpose in cultivating enduring connections. His appreciation for nature and the outdoors not only underscores his love for outdoor experiences with YHA clients, but also shapes his commitment to a holistic lifestyle. At Provo's facility, Nathan commits to exceptional care and the nurturing of a connected and compassionate community.

  • Kelsey Brgoch

    Leadership Coordinator

  • Cameron Christiansen

    Leadership Coordinator

  • Michael Mangan


  • Xandra Wheeler


  • Jacob Westercamp

    Education Coordinator

About Provo RTC

Who We Serve

Provo Residential Treatment Center is a cognitive behavioral, offense-specific residential treatment home that serves male adolescent youths, ages 12-16, presenting as moderate risk as assessed by nationally-recognized risk-assessment tools.

How We Serve

  • NOJOS Certified Therapists

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism

  • Holistic/Developmental Approach

  • Family, Individual, and Group Therapy

  • Sex-specific Treatment for DDMR, Aspergers, and Autistic Disorder

Advanced-Level Programming

Provo RTC is able to provide effective treatment that allows youth to graduate the program in approximately 10-12 months, with aftercare and outpatient services lasting an additional 6-12 months (depending on the needs of the youth). Lack of treatment progress may result in a recommendation and referral to more intensive treatment and/or supervision, and may also result in increased length of treatment.